Local, Farm Raised Angus & Angus-Cross Freezer Beef
Custom Planting, Combining & Round Baling
Angus & Angus-Cross Freezer Beef
Farm raised, grain-fed Angus beef cattle.
2022 Season Pricing: $2.75/lb. hanging weight
plus processing charges.
Available in whole, half or quarter sizes, late Spring to late Fall.
Call to reserve yours today!
How much meat will I get & what will it cost in the end - Scenario?
Lemke Farms price - $2.75/lb hanging weight Example for whole beef: 800 lb. hanging weight / $2200.00 (Paid to Lemke Farms)
Slaughter fee - Approx. $100.00 per whole animal + 100.00 (Paid to processor)
Processing fee - Approx. $.62/lb. hanging weight (Cut / Wrap / Freeze) Special requests will be extra 504.00 (Paid to processor)
TOTAL $2804.00
If you start with a 1200 lb. steer, which dresses out at 63% - you have a 750 lb. carcass (hanging weight). From that you will get about 65% of the carcass weight, or roughly 490 lbs., as boneless, trimmed beef. From a 1200 pound steer, you can expect a 740 – 770 pound carcass. But from that carcass there is another significant portion that will not end up in your freezer or in the meat case for consumers. The expected yield of retail cuts from beef carcasses ranges from approximately 55% to 75%, depending on the fattiness and muscling of the animal, and the type of cuts produced. A typical 750 carcass with ½ inch of fat over the rib eye and average muscling of a 12-13 square inch rib eye will yield about 65% of the carcass weight as retail cuts (roasts and steaks) and lean trim. So, in other words, you start with a 1200 pound steer, which has a dressing percent of 63%, so that you have a 750 pound carcass. From that you will get about 65% of the carcass weight, or roughly 490 pounds, as boneless, trimmed beef. If you look at that as a percentage of the live weight of the steer you started with, it is approximately 40% of the live weight. Remaining components of the weight are fat trim and bone. Fat can be highly variable, but in the example used, fat would account for approximately 20% of the carcass weight or 12% of the live weight. Bone accounts for the other 15% of carcass weight. Recognize that these are average figures. These can vary considerably due to the fat and lean composition of the animal, as well as the trim level and methods of cutting the meat. However, it does demonstrate that it is a relatively small percentage of the live animal that ends up in the retail meat case as high quality edible meat. This is one factor that helps explain the difference between price per pound of a live animal and price per pound of retail beef.
So, to summarize: A 1200 steer, ½ inch fat, average muscling, yields
a 750 pound carcass. The 750 pound carcass yields approximately:
490 pounds boneless trimmed beef
(This scenario - in the end - you are paying $5.17/lb.
for great steaks, roasts, misc. cuts & ground beef.)
150 pounds fat trim
110 pounds bone

How much freezer space will you need?
Quarter - Small chest freezer (4 cu. ft.)
Half - Half of a large upright freezer (8-10 cu. ft.)
Whole - Large upright freezer (16-20 cu. ft.)
Custom Planting, Combining
& Round Baling
Custom farming available.
Call for pricing & scheduling.